2012/8/24 cn wins the world's highest terracotta panel project-金年会金字招牌信誉至上入口

2012/8/24 cn wins the world's highest terracotta panel project
2012/8/24 cn wins the world's highest terracotta panel project
cn wins the world's highest terracotta panel project       

        cn officially signed the contract of "guangzhou east tower" on august 24, 2012 which was a proud day for cn. the total height of the project is 530 meters, and it located in guangzhou zhujiang new town. the terracotta panel as an important curtain wall material has been applied to the top of building. "guangzhou east tower" is the project of the world's tallest application of terracotta panel, but also the world's highest use of ceramic products in the external wall. it breaks record of more than 200 meters height application for german terracotta panel in tokyo, japan.
        there are two major problems when cn selected terracotta panel for guangzhou east tower project:
        first, according to the design by american architect, the terracotta panel is very large (1600 * 430 * 50mm) with wave shaped surface, also has the requirement of white and ice glazed. cn solved the problem after skillfully absorbed the ice glaze process in celadon of yixing local heritage for thousands of years, and combined with full set of european top production equipment and technology.

          second, how to ensure the safety has become a top priority, since the height of terracotta panel application is 530 meters. cn set up a special technical team to constantly improve the formula, firing and other processes, in order to enhance the physical and chemical properties. at the same time, engineering dept. actively cooperated with foreign design institute and curtain wall construction party to optimize keel system and installation method. work hard pays off. ultimately cn terracotta panel passed the strict curtain wall four property tests, impact test and wind tunnel test after more than a year efforts, and successfully got expert demonstration. cn became the first and only one company currently which passed wind tunnel test in domestic. 
         the owners of this project finally chose cn as a partner after investigated many domestic and overseas manufacturers, we fulfill the mission. today we successfully signed the contract of "guangzhou east tower" which is the world's highest terracotta panel project after overcame several technical difficulties, it is not only cnpride, but also reflect that chinese terracotta panel has reached a new level.
        cn mission and vision:
        mission: to win the worldwide reputation for the chinese ceramic industry. 
        vision: to be a world leader in the architectural terracotta industry. 
